
surreal visual poetry - bilingual turkic metre ~ mystery linguistics theatre 2000 (but sometimes, it's 3000)

Maymun Monorail Bonkulu Durumu

Beyond Thrill-Seeking Tourism : The Monorail Project

Uluru'dandaki Maymun Monorail Bong'lu Durum'u

click on the picture to watch it on youtube

SONGLINE: Yidakiden Başladı, жылау жолбарыс өрмекші сәулетші

YER: Wombatistan

aus terör, cynicism, language recovery, monorail, tourism, tyranny of distance

146 monorail | 1:52 | 28 Mar 2022

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Stories from The General recounted how the macaque learned to swim and forage for food, while another species of monkey struggled to thrive in south-east Asia, due to their inability to swim. Rangers provided the stranded monkeys with blue ice blocks, but that colony remained malnourished, while the macaque monkey continued to thrive.

The sensation of constant vigilance was exhausting. It took six months to adjust to the perception of peace in the Blue Mountains, after a lifetime of daily assault in Sydney. It was a time & place where spare coins for the children were scarce. I still vividly remember being accosted for assertively saying «no» for the first time, along with the memory of every other time I dared to do that again. I always witnessed adults throwing childish temper tantrums, which always displayed the standards of violence they had grown up with. While now isn’t the time to delve into the story of Indigenous Apologies, that memory inevitably leads me there.

As a mother with a child, I appreciated the apology in Sydney that made a difference and lasted a lifetime. I didn't miss the assault of the street, nor the smell of Mr. Stinky. It was confronting to smell him again after 20 years. He was still alive & still living on the streets. Despite the decay, he was thriving on first-class meals sourced from the dumpsters located behind high-end restaurants. The hostility of this land, spoke through the fungus on his calloused toenails.

It would have been challenging for me to resist the comfort and distraction of icy poles, if they were cola-flavoured. I envisioned a graceful monorail that could paint beautiful visual stories, weaving a rich narrative worthy of the ride--| and the impossible cost of trying to build it. However, the attempt to convert it into yet another thrill-seeking tourist attraction was the thirst of cynicism struggling to reach for the water-bowl with its tongue again. I couldn't bring the visual story to life in 3D here, but this served as a skeletal token of the concept, which was mocking the commodification of overtly blunt objects in space. It was inspired by making contact with Yidaki streams.



bir an'lıktđa tren yol'dan at'ılandı
momentarily derailed

yalan'çı azamattıqtar kibar'lık təraf'indәn
by false civilities

kim'inseniğinin ad'ına işç'in
in the name of

keşif keşfiy'yatıɉalık

duşpan'dıklı düşman'ın arazi'dә
on hostile terrain

ara'ma kӧpek es'en selam'ları
the woft of sniffer dog greetings

tebrik'lәr başka ara'ma kӧpek'lәrđәnđi
would be greeted by other sniffer dogs

mesafe tiran'lığıyası
the tyranny of distance

yüz'mәyi imkân'sız hâli'nә gәtir'đi
made it impossible to swim

başka adaya
to another island

they were marooned

iki-tip diabet ilə
with type-2 diabetes

şiş'miş maymun'lar gibi
like bloated monkeys

mavi buz çubuk dondurma em'iyorlar
sucking on blue icy poles


Monorail conceptualisation date: 10 JULY 2016


~ My Name Is Ayça, get used to it