
surreal visual poetry - bilingual turkic metre ~ mystery linguistics theatre 2000 (but sometimes, it's 3000)

From-Of Here | Kazıyan Wombat

Blending Languages: From Chinese To Turkic - A Musical Journey Through Phonetic Fusion

From-Of Here | Kazıyan Wombat

click on the picture to watch it on youtube

SONGLINE: Buradan Budur Orman

YER: Wombatistan Digging Wombat

turkic çin dil, wombat

0005 digging wombat | 1:18 | 26 Nov 2020

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Exploring the interplay between Chinese and Turkic sounds, where the transcription has been processed through the echoes of Turkic and English sounds. The fusion offers a fresh perspective on how different sounds can interact and influence each other. Wombatistan is my musical home, where language boundaries blur and new connections are made. The Digging Wombat is a metaphor for digging deep into the layers of diverse language systems, to examine cross-cultural communication and phonetic adaptation on foreign land.

~ My Name Is Ayça, get used to it